

This song has brought me to a deep reflection on the matter of "Blessings"
 Hope it could as well teach you something.. :)

We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we have faith to believe

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise

- Laura Story



Imagine a day where 1 billion people choose to do something for someone else. To make their mark on someone else’s world. To say I WAS HERE. Here I am..so glad to take part of World Humanitarian Day (August 19, 2012) - making a mark so that the world can see that I do care; that I do want to make a difference; that I do want to change the world and bring a message of HOPE. ;)  My small simple action is that I helped kids at Bukit Harapan Orphanage cleaning the yard and giving them milk and snacks that they may not always have on a daily basis. What's more satisfying than to see others happy with what we've done for them? Indeed, no action is too small. What's your story? :D


Where my heart is at..

Claya with the children at Bukit Harapan Orphanage

Yep. This is where my heart is at. 
The kids and teens at Bukit Harapan Orphanage.
My prayer is that God will continue to water what is within my heart to achieve.

Be blessed and let’s continue to make His name and goodness felt across the earth! 

Mission isn't accomplished yet.
Someone gotta ensure that they are anchored to positive values of life.
Yes, they need YOU! :)

[interest to help these kids, feel free to contact me via email]


Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou

One afternoon in Times bookstore, I was stupefied for few minutes while filling the form for a membership card. You know why I was like that? It's because I don't know to answer my occupation whether it's student or employer. Sigh. -.- It's been almost 3 months after my graduation.. and as you may guessed, I'm not signed in in any company, school or institution you could mention. Yep, I'm temporarily unemployed but I'm not jobless
This is why I said I'm not jobless, it's by reason of "I work every day." The first month after my hats-off-day I'm free from the questions from people nearby askin "What are you doin now?" or "Where are you working at?". It's because I was with some friends working as Interpreter for Pacific Partnership 2012 featuring US Navy. Indeed, it was an super INCREDIBLE experience. I would have say that was a vacation instead of working.  We travelled to Talaud, the island close to Phillipine. We met incredible people from USNS Mercy Ship and the amazing local people. We had fun in few AWESOME beaches there.. It's just WOW..
The second month after my graduation was a lightly different story. I was busy doing this and that. I took part as a committee in an international seminar held by my university. I joined Indonesia Youth Pioneer Competition held by Manado Department of Sport and Youth (and I won xD ). I participated in Future Leader Summit in Semarang (and not to mention - travelling around the city of Semarang as well as my 'bolang' moment in Jakarta and Tangerang by myself :D ). I took a driving course (Finally,huh? ><). I had a day vacation in Bunaken and snorkeling for the first time. Yeah, last July was golden month! I had a lot of precious experiences and even life lessons :)
Here it comes to August.. it's another exciting month, actually.. It's just I encounter more people asking classic questions above "What in the world are you doing now, cum laude student?" " What company are you working at?" and oh.. tbh it quite sucks to answer. That 'cum laude' stuff is becoming a burden, now..
Well, encountering those questions I used to answer I'm preparing for an AusAID scholarship, yet for now, as that desire sorta dies down (due to the delay of my transcript printing that holds up my way to apply before the deadline) I start to change my answer. I start to 'publish' my voluntary project at the orphanage. Some of my friends know it. Some doesn't. I was voluntarily teaching these kids since the last days I'm claiming myself as a high school student.. which is around 5 years ago (wow.. time does fly) tho there are times I pulled myself up from activities at this orphanage, but I kept these children in mind. Always.
This month as I intensify my visit, I sense greater joy inside. I'm glad to partake in this ministry (so I call it). I never been this enthusiastic before. I look forward impatiently for the next meeting. Tho physically, i feel worn-out because my teaching schedule is from 7pm - 9pm and sometimes from 5pm - 10pm, but it paid off knowing that I was not wasting or simply spending my time but i'm investing it. I reminded by some of my students who finally get scholarship to study in Uni and I pray that there'll be more of them. It's my job to sow the seed and let God makes it grows..
Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou a philosophy from Dr. Sam Ratulangi would be a wonderful reflection for me while workin on this.. a man live to make others live.. as Bible also said.. When you filling other people's cup, God will not let your cup left empty.. and you know, when God fills someone’s cup, He'll fill it abundantly cause He’s the Provider. He’s Almighty God. He’s My Shepherd, and I shall not be in want (Psalm 23:1). I like reflecting in this truth to keep myself motivated in doing this heavenly task. One day, I’ll reap what I sow.
As for now, I avoid those classic questions no more. I’m proud of what I’m doing. I may not gain money like if I work in certain company but if it’s the time to help these people, I better do what God wants me to do. I want to get my Master Degree somewhere abroad. I want to work with professional company. I simply believe there’ll be time for everything.  

Proverbs 19:17 (MSG)
Mercy to the needy is a loan to God, and God pays back those loans in full.
James 1:27 (NIV)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Jeremiah 22:3,16 (NIV)
This is what the LORD says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place. 16 He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the LORD.


A story of my never-wear-jeans Daddy

My Dad with his big belly in Liberty Statue,USA
                Here’s a story of an awesome man. A husband to a stunning woman and a Daddy to two gorgeous daughters. He’s been living for ± 21170 days on earth (plus 9 months in his mother’s womb) until today. Yep, today he’s celebrating his 58 of age. Hence, I want to write a story of him and how he inspires me in around 20 years of my age (minus the first 3 years of my ‘babyhood’ when I couldn’t recall any memory of it). Yeah, this is a story of a man I call Daddy.
·                 In my childhood, the only thing I can remember is I was closer to Dad than to Mom. It was because Dad was my place of refuge in my time of need. Dad was there to fulfill my needs when mom says no ;).  You may experience some moments in your childhood when your Mom forbids you to buy some stuffs, then you run to your Dad to ask the very thing and he accedes your request.  I experienced that in my childhood. A nice part to remember. J
The thing that I realize is that, despite of his kindness, he’s not a YES MAN. There are some things that he strictly hindered me doing for the sake of my safety and for my good. Often time his decisions are quite perverse like when he didn’t want me to ride a bike to avoid me having scars or had accident (well yeah, my house was in area where cars and motorcycles often pass by but that couldn’t be a reason for me to not be permitted to learn how to ride bike, right?). In the flip side, he allows me to learn to be independent since my very young age. He let me fly from Manado to Jakarta (transit in Ujung Pandang) by plane and by myself. I was around 8 or 9 at that moment. As a result, I have such confident to do things on my own tho I’m the last in series (read: anak bungsu). J

·         Around my years in Junior High, I admit that I was inspired with the way my Dad works his best for our family. We were living in abundance for God’s grace. Rolling back the time, there is one lowest point of our family life when my Dad got arrested for the case of corruption he didn’t commit. It was right at the time our Governor about to promote him as the head of regency in South Minahasa. I wouldn’t blame those people who didn’t like him. I knew God has plan through that tribulation. My point is, I thank God to see how my Dad and our family respond to this case when we pray together for those who treated us wrong and forgave them. At the end of the day, this case closed and my Dad has been proven true and not committed anything wrong. My dad has a chance to suit or claim the court for putting him in jail, but he didn’t do so. He demonstrated how Christian should love (even our enemies) and should as well forgive. Epic!

·         I was even mesmerized with his faith. It was in the mid of my study in university. It was when my Mom did a medical check-up in some hospitals in Penang, Malaysia and doctors stated that she had a colon cancer. It was another great issue in our family. Another shocking moment, since my Mom spent 3 times going to hospital in Manado and doctors there said it was only gastric inflammation or something. -.- Phew..
Let me get to my point, my mom, my Dad and one care-taker need to fly back and fro Manado-Penang for cemotherapy and some check-ups. And it was costly, for heaven’s sake. So far we spent almost a billion rupiahs. Yet, we can see the hands of God at work in this financial problem. I heard a testimony of my Dad about God’s miracle: One time in a plane to Jakarta, he has a misunderstanding with my mom and finally found out that they didn’t bring enough money to another cemo in Penang. They prayed together in the plane, asking for God’s favor. And you know what’s happen? Just after they arrived in Soe-tta Airport, they met the Head of Talaud regency that quickly gave them around ten millions rupiahs. I believe that’s not a coincidence. More story of God’s favor, when they were still walking in the airport, they met our Governor, to make the long story short, Mr. Governor also hand them the same amount of money right at that time. In another day, the wife of our Governor also hand my mom US$1000 for the sake of her treatment. And many more from some unnamed heroes and givers that God sent to help our family. It’s not our family connection with some well-known people that I want to emphasize here, It is man’s faith and God’s favor that we should pay attention of. (later, I should write another awesome story from my stunning Mom ;) )

·            One last thing about him that inspires me is his habit of giving. My Dad is a cheerful giver. He never considers loss and profit when it comes to giving.. and I start to think that I have that very habit in my DNA. I give generously (and so does my sister).  Our family believes in Proverbs 11: 24 One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. We do believe that it is happier to give than to receive. Thank God that I was born in this family which has a big concern with the poor, the needy, the unemployed, the sick, and the homeless. <3

In conclusion, although my Dad wasn’t a perfect Dad. He does many things that I dislike, but he still my great Daddy with a big belly and never wear jeans. Haha. I wouldn’t ask God for another Dad. I love him. I love my family.

Happy birthday, PAPA!

Much love from your pretty daughter


The Way of Love

I posted this exact same thing on my tumblog a couple of months ago.. and am feeling like wanna post it on my blogspot page as well. This is called..The Way of Love
I love how The Message translated 1 Corinthians 13. I opine this is the best translation of this verse. Moreover, it helps me dive deeper into what’s behind these powerful awesome verse which leads me on the thought to post this that you may also being reminded as well as blessed by reading it through.. :)

1 Corinthians 13

The Way of Love
 1 If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. 2If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing. 3-7If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. 

   Love never gives up

   Love cares more for others than for self
   Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have
   Love doesn’t strut, 
   Doesn’t have a swelled head, 
   Doesn’t force itself on others, 
   Isn’t always “me first,” 
   Doesn’t fly off the handle, 
   Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others
   Doesn’t revel when others grovel, 
   Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, 
   Puts up with anything, 
   Trusts God always, 
   Always looks for the best, 
   Never looks back, 
   But keeps going to the end.

 8-10Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete. But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.
 11When I was an infant at my mother’s breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.
 12We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!
 13But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.
Be blessed,
- claya



Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.



            There’s nothing more I could ask of God this very moment of my life.  I’m still twenty yet I already graduated from uni after 3.8 months studying – travelling – studying. haha J Not to mention, the predicate as best graduate with the not-so-cool souvenir (anyway.. thanks for you my beloved dean :D).  Really, God has been beyond good to me. :D

            I remember the time after I leave high school and was planning to study Visual Communication Design in Bandung. It was neatly planned by me. I already rent a house together with my best friend who is going to study in the same uni with me.. and at the end of the day I have to be grateful with the fact that my parents want me to study in Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat) for some reason. Yet, after all that’s turned out, I thank God for makin His will be done.
 Tbh, I have no idea why I end up studying English literature after studying Science for 2 years in High School.  Hmm, probably, I should say “it’s fate..”. See, man can only plan but God is the One who directs our steps (Psalm).  Well, despite all my reluctance at first, I know God has divine plan for me.. and I start to see it in my first year of study. I kept it in mind how God open the way that I could be able to join my first competition in uni. It was a national level comp. which took place in Jakarta. A Maengket Dance Comp. to be precise :P . Our team won the 3rd place. In academic, I remember my first competition was 13th ALSA E-Comp UI and just right after that I started to participate in debate competition, news casting competition, essay competition, mun, and even pageant ( >3<). Sorta funny yet exciting to recall those moments in mind. How I started with a willy nilly attitude and end with ‘what more can I join’ attitude. I realized that I’m transforming as an achiever at present.
In a nutshell, I thank God for every GREAT prophecy, sermon, and words of encouragement that has been spoken over my life by His servants (regarding my study) which I sometime didn't have enuf confidence to believe (and yet which have been proven time to be true). I believe that God has prepare something BIGGER, BETTER, and way more epic than what I could pray or imagine for my future. I may not see the whole staircase but I do believe it’ll lead me to such an incredible place.
Yesss, this season of my life may seem to come to an end but mann, I’m an insatiable learner. I won’t be contented with what I’ve come to learn so far. I’ll keep on studying things (good for me,huh?).


- Claya

One of the greatest feelings ever. Knowing that, you’re so tired, yet it was all worth it, because your day was just completely amazing. You’re content, and satisfied with how the day treated you or I could say, how life treated you. :)

Use Me

This is one of the song that I started to sing wholeheartedly since the time I graduated from high school. Sincerely, I want to be used by God. I want Him to use all my creativity, my brain, my everything.. Not literally means that I want to be a full-timer in church, evangelist or what. I simply want all of my being will bring praise to Him (whether ppl applaud me or not).

If You can use anything Lord, You can use me(2x).

Take my hands Lord and my feet,

touch my heart Lord and speak through me.

If You can use anything Lord, You can use me.

I remember a story in the Bible days,

You used a man called Moses with a rod in his hand.

You told Moses, Take the rod in your hand,
stretch it forth and walk on dry land;
if You can use anything Lord, You can use me.

I remember a story, 

I remember it well,

You used a shepherd boy, David, 
with a sling in his hand. 
He took the rock with the sling in his hand,
he slung the rock and the giant fell dead;
if You can use anything Lord, please use me.

You can use anything that You want to use,

big or small, short or tall, 

You just call and we'll come running.
You took two fishes and five loaves of bread,
five thousand people you fed;
If You can use anything Lord, You can use me.

Songwriters: LEO, PHILLIP / LEWIS, C. J.


-claya :)


love statement

This what I believe in.. speaking abt love.
Run for God
Run for your future
If you see someone run along with you,
He got the 'potential'. :)


i need more sleep

Got soo busy this week..
Even busier once I knew I have to off somewhere at the beginning of next month when in the interim, I have to finish my thesis earlier since they changed the deadline of thesis defense into May 4. I couldn’t imagine how I can bear this. Bearing in mind that I also have to give lesson to Student Ambassador 2012 before they compete in the National level, as well, I need to accompany Michelle & Mario practice before competing in NUEDC in MKS. Moreover, I knew I cannot abandon my student (private English course), my Sunday School students, my C.A.R.E (teenager cell group). Overwhelming activities, huh?
If I could, I think I would propose a motion to duplicate my body into 5, 7, or ten perhaps..:P -- one to attend youth service, one to get more sleep, one to work on my thesis, one to coach SMA Lokon debate teams, and the rest I’d use for my overwhelming schedule above.. Pheeeww!!

As you could guess, I have been lacking my beauty sleeping time. Thank God I don’t have morning classes anymore, if so, I think I would probly need a pulley as in the picture above to keep my eyes open wide. J

Well, I need to back to work now.. back to work on my thesis.. (please pray for me yah! J)
And anyway, If any of you are like me -- trapped in the same cage of interminable ‘to-do-stuffs’, I’d like to share this to you:
“Whatever you do , work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. –Colossians 3:23”
Ssshhh..That’s my key to stay in joy while facing these ceaseless activities.. :D

*Motion for cessation of blogging raised*


Golf Ball

I would like to share what I came to learn just couple of weeks ago about How God use imperfect people for His glory.
All too often we put in mind that God only use perfect people. Just like a big corporation who hires only skillful people, we adopt the thought that if we’re imperfect, God won’t use us. I have to say this is an erroneous thought.
Here are some Biblical facts to proof that God also use imperfect people. Noah once drunk, but God still use him and protect His family and made them be the only people alive after the flood. Abraham was too old to have kid but God use him to show His glory that He can do what we think is impossible. David committed adultery and even set up a murder but, see, God uses him and even named him ‘the man after God’s own heart’.  Apostle Paul killed many believers, yet God still use Him to preach in many nations and even write almost half of the books in New Testament. Not to mention the story of Gideon, Elijah, Jeremiah, Peter and other disciples of Jesus, I believe that above examples could open our eyes to see that even we are imperfect, God can still use us.
Let me come to the fact that is used as an analogy. A Golf Ball. Have you ever think the reason why a golf ball has dimples instead of being perfectly round without those dimples? I personally think that if a golf ball have a perfectly round surface, it supposed to go further and quicker. The fact is: it’s not. I came to know the fact that the experts intentionally design these dimples to create wind resistance that enable a golf ball to fly even further. What can we learn from this golf ball? We can learn the fact that even we are imperfect and have many ‘dimples’, it is those dimples that causes us to gooo further in life.
I came to believe that God can use what we called ‘our weakness’ to bring Him glory. It is not that we have to ignore our weakness, instead, we have to acknowledge our weakness and imperfections, not to go around feeling beaten up, but to be thankful that when we are weak God can performs His greatest feast.
Here I come to the point that is most relaxing; the fact that we all have been equipped for the race God has design for us. Take heed of this, if God wants to create us with different look and different personality, He will. The thing is, if He created us just the way we are today, it is because He has a specific magnificent plan for us. Let’s rest in the thought that We are fearfully and wonderfully made and that God has never made mistake when He created us.
To finish, I’d like to say, Quit over analyzing yourself. Stop looking on what’s wrong with us, instead, take heed of how far we go, how far we accomplish, and how great God has been in our life. Don’t let devil intimidate you with the thought that you are not worthy in God’s sight. Lastly, Put on the breastplate of God’s approval!
God sees your availability instead of your ability.
cheerio!! :)


Rich Dad, Poor Dad (cont.)

Chapter 4: the History of taxes and the power of Corporations
-         Rich Dad did not see Robin Hood as a hero. He called Robin Hood a crook for robbing from the rich and give to the poor.
-         How did the rich outsmart the intellectuals? Once the “take-from-the-rich” tax was passed, cash started flowing into government coffers. Initially, people were happy. Money was handed out to government workers and the rich. It went to government workers in the form of jobs and pensions, and it went to the rich via their factories receiving government contracts. The government received a large pool of money, but the problem was the fiscal management of that money. The government ideal is to avoid having excess money. If you fail to spend your allotted funds, you risk losing it in the next budget. You would certainly not be recognized for being efficient. Business people, on the other hand, are rewarded for having excess money and are applauded for their efficiency. As the cycle of growing government spending continued, the demand for money increased, and the “tax-the-rich” idea was adjusted to include lower-income levels, down to the very people who voted it in, the poor and the middle class.
-         The financial IQ (the synergy of many skills and talents) is made up of knowledge from four broad areas of expertise:
·         Accounting : is a financial literacy or the ability to read numbers which allows you to identify the strengths  and weakness of any business. The more money you are responsible for, the more accuracy is required.
·         Investing : is the science of “money making money”.
·         Understanding Markets : is the science of supply and demand.
·         The Law : the awareness of accounting, corporate, state, and federal regulations.
-          In summary, business owners with corporations: earn, spend, pay taxes; Employees who work for corporation: earn, pay taxes, spend.
Chapter 5 : the Rich invent money
-         “Often in the real world, it’s not the smart who get ahead, but the bold.
-         “The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth seemingly instantaneously. An untrained mind can also create extreme poverty that can crush a family for generations.”
-         Which one sounds harder to you? 1. Work hard. Pay 50% in taxes. Save what is left. Your savings then earn 5%, which is also taxed. OR 2.Take the time to develop your financial intelligence Harness the power of your brain and the asset column.
-         The problem with “secure” investments is that they are often sanitized, that is, made so safe that the gains are less.
-         “It is not gambling if you know what you’re doing. It is gambling if you’re just throwing money into a deal and praying.”
-         “Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind.”
-         These skills are in addition to those required to become financially intelligent:
·         Find an opportunity that everyone else missed
·         Raise Money
·         Organize smart people
-         There is always risk, so learn to manage risk instead of avoiding it.

Chapter 6: Work to learn – don’t work for money
-         The main management skills needed for success are:
1.       Management of cash flow
2.       Management of system
3.       Management of people
-         “When I speak to adults who want to earn more money, I always recommend the same thing. I suggest taking a long view of their life. Instead of simply working for the money and security, which I admit are important, I suggest they take a second job that will teach them a second skill. Often I recommend joining a network-marketing company, also called MLM, if they want to learn sales skills. Some of these companies have excellent training programs that help people get over their fear of failure and rejection, which are the main reasons people are unsuccessful. Education is more valuable than money, in the long run.”
-         “The world is filled with talented poor people. All too often, they’re poor or struggle financially or earn less than they are capable of, not because of what they know, but because of what they do not know. They focus on perfecting their skills at building a better hamburger rather than the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger. Maybe McDonald’s doesn’t make the best hamburger, but they are the best at selling and delivering a basic average burger.”

Poor yet educated Dad
Rich Dad
-   Work harder and harder, become more competent, salary went up but like a professional athlete who suddenly are injured or are too old to play then the position is gone.
-   “When I have some extra money, I’ll give it.” The problem was there was never any extra money.

-  Always encourage to work with people smarter than we were and to bring people together to work as a team. (synergy of professional specialties)

-  “Give and you shall receive.”

-         “To be truly rich, we need to be able to give as well as to receive.”
-         “To receive money, you had to give money. Giving money is the secret to most great wealthy families.”
-         “The better you are at communicating, negotiating, and handling your fear of rejection, the easier life is.”

Chapter 7: Overcoming Obstacles
-         The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they manage fear.”
-         There are five main reasons why financially literate people may still not develop abundant asset columns that could produce a large cash flow. Those are:
1.       Fear
2.       Cynicism
3.       Laziness
4.       Bad Habits
5.       Arrogance
-          “ I have never met anyone who really likes losing money. And in all my years, I have never met a rich person who has never lost money. But I have met a lot of poor people who have never lost a dime -- investing, that is.”
-          “For most people, the reason they don’t win financially is because the pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of being rich.”
-          “If you hate risk and worry, start early.”
-          “What I like best is the Texas attitude. They’re proud when they win, and they brag when they lose. Texans have a saying ‘If you’re going to go broke, go big. You don’t want to admit you went broke over a duplex.’ ” – Rich Dad
-          “Failure inspires winners. Failure defeats losers.”
-           Winning means being unafraid to lose.” – Fran Tarkenston
-         “I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.” – John D Rockefeller
-         “We’re all heroes at something, and coward at something else.”
-         Cynics criticize, Winners analyze.
-         Often in life, there are people who are too busy to take care of their wealth and there are people too busy to take care of their health. The cause is the same. They are busy and they stay busy as a way of avoiding something they do not want to face. If they aren’t busy at work or with the kids, they’re often busy watching TV, fishing, or shopping. Yet deep down they know they are avoiding something important. That’s the most common form of laziness: laziness by staying busy.
-         How do you beat laziness? The answer is a little greed. So whenever you find yourself avoiding something you know you should be doing, then the only thing to ask yourself is, WII-FM (What’s in it for me?). Be a little greedy. It’s the best cure for laziness. Too much greed, however, as anything in excess can be, is not good.
-         “Guilt is worse than greed, for guilt robs the body of its soul.” – Rich Dad
-         “Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Chapter 8: Getting Started         
-         “There is gold everywhere. Most people are not trained to see it.”
-         10 steps as a process to develop your God-given powers, powers over which only you have control:
1.       Find a reason greater than reality: the power of spirit
2.       Make daily choices: the power of choice
3.       Choose friends carefully: the power of association
4.       Master a formula and then learn a new one: the power of learning quickly
5.       Pay yourself first: the power of self-discipline
6.       Pay your brokers well: the power of good advice
7.       Be an Indian giver: the power of getting something for nothing
8.      Use assets to buy luxuries: the power of focus
9.       Choose heroes: the power of myths
10.   Teach and you shall receive: the power of giving

For more lesson, visit: richdad.com