
Nothing I desire besides you..

just happened to read this bible verse again..
this is one of my favorite psalm from Asaph
This is my heart's desire.. nothing but GOD..
my everlasting strength and portion.. <3<3<3 

21 When my heart was grieved
   and my spirit embittered,
22 I was senseless and ignorant;
   I was a brute beast before you.
 23 Yet I am always with you;
   you hold me by my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
   and afterward you will take me into glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but you? 
   And earth has nothing I desire besides you. 
26 My flesh and my heart may fail, 
   but God is the strength of my heart 
   and my portion forever.
28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
   I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
   I will tell of all your deeds.
Psalm 73 (NIV)


my recent trip to USA

This is a glimpse of  how I spent my treasure times there in The States..
The joy and happiness is beyond what you can see in these pictures.
Thanks be to God who has provided more than enough for us and for enabling us to meet such remarkable people on earth, we now call family. :)



Well, I write this post as a thank you for everyone who have made our plan to go to US for HNMUN 2012 possible.

first and foremost: Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Provider, Friend, Supporter, Healer, Perfecter of our faith, Promise Keeper, the One who made a way when there seems to be no way. Director of our steps. You are our everything Lord, without You we can do NOTHING!
My Parents. for the permission and most of all the financial support and the shocking number of money. I love youuuu much :) :D For Sponsors I honorably mention 1. Government of Talaud Regency. Thank you for the supporting letter for visa and for the financial support.  2. Goverment of North Sulawesi Province for enabling us to meet Governor and to get the sponsorship even tho until the day I'm writing this post the money is idk where. Hopefully, we can grab that soon! Amen! 3. Rector of Sam Ratulangi University for opening door for us, for the experience you shared, and the ticket MDC-CGK (roundtrip) given in the last minute.. phew! Once again, deeply thanks!

In Indonesia
For K'Avo (my personal trip advisor) for those golden informations abt what to do, what to prepare and what to buy.. Sorry for not making contact with ur friend when I was in NJ :( For my cousin Andre, thanks for accompany me buy things before I left. For my sibling Mel, for helping me out in packing thingie.. You're expert in that. *thumb raised* For Dei, thanks for the breakfast before I left Mdc. For Om Sony for taking me to the airport..
To Eyn, thanks for the ride in J-town. To Michelle, for buying those roa I ordered. :)

In US 
Here goes the list..
1. For Om Jeffry Malonda and Tante Joke Family as well as Om Buce and Tante Ross Family. For picking us up at the airport, for opening your house for us, for all the wonderful services and the nitty gritty *too much to mention* You've been like angels. May God bless you favorably as He blesses the house of Obed Edom.
2. MAESA Kawanua USA thanks so much for the super sweet and warm welcoming party.  I will never forget that moment..and the food :P
3. To Pak Sonny Iroth for the sharing knowledge and experience about UN and for taking us freely enter the UNHQ. I am a fan of you, Sir. You're inspiring!
4. To my Suwuh Family there. I don't know there are such a big number of you guys there. Sincerely, I was SHOCKED at first. Thanks to tante Memey and Om Ralfy Suwuh, Kezia Clara Suwuh,  Om Moody Suwuh, Ps Roy Suwuh, Auntie Debby and Vonny Suwuh, Kak Nando and kak Reza for everything..everything.. the ride, the food, the house, the warm service, the souvenirs.. I'LL BE BACK. I promise. I warned you, I do mean what I say. ;)
5. To my new New Hampshire family : Tante Irke and Om John, Tante Lia and Om Ata, kak Ila, Ps. Herby also tante Hian and Om John L ... and not forgetting to mention the ever cute and awesome kids: Glorya, Abbie,Kezia, Yudha, and Karen. I'm gonna gonna miss you guys. like A LOT. Thanks for EVERYTHING!
6. For New Hampshire Youth.. Ezra and Joe.. Thanks for the ride to Maine and other awesome places.. Grateful for our friendship :) for the teenagers who picked us up in NY.. thanks for the fun journey from NY to NH. It was very fun! lastly for those youth we met in Mojo's BBQ, Portsmouth. lemme try to type ur name, hopefully I still remember: Esther, stephanie, Sendi, Giovan, Van hallen, Reinhard,..hmm.. omg i forget it.. but, i still remember your face anw.. *short-term memory prob*
7. For Nadia and Josephine.. a new friendship established in Special Summit on Non Discrimination HNMUN 2012. Glad we're friends.
8. a bit special for Sarah Malonda, Mathew Luce, Mia Monintja, and Sam Malonda I send you a truck of thank from Indo,. hopefully it could arrive on time.. :P Thanks for the crazy yet  fun time we spent. Thanks for teaching us "Speed". You guys really made our days memorable. If we haven't been so close, it won't be that hard to say good-bye.. hiks hiks.. I'm missing you, guys.. :'( :*
9. Ibu Ani and Pak Frans thanks so much for your warm welcome and hospitality. Nice to see romantic old couple like you. What an example! :) also thanks for Om Jeff Tendean for the treat after treat.. :) and Tante Unggu and Om Roy for the open-house, the lunch, the karaoke, and the souvenirs. Million thanks!
10. For my brothers and guardians :P, also the cause of my laughs.. Kak Victor & Ferdi Manuel also Kak Reza.. The time we spent at Central Park & Rockefeller was one of my favorite because of you guys.. you deserve a tribute. oia.. thanks also for bro Mike and sis Tya.. will miss you all..:)
11. For Indonesian friends of mine I met in HNMUN 2012.. especially those in Special Summit on Non Discrimination.. :) :) Thanks for the friendship.
omg I'm running outta energy to type.. hmm..
12. Last but not least, to tante Stella WatusekeOm Moody Tengker (and Tiffany) also to Tante Eka's family, and Tante Anne and another t'e eka (If im not mistaken).. thanks for the winter coats, socks, and shirts.. I'm oversupplied,. You guys were soo kind. I owe you. :)

Phew.. still have several names yet not been mentioned.. but before I'd like to thank my wonderful friends and their families. For Michelle who has acted like my sibling sister and her SUPER MOM which is our SUPER FACULTY ADVISOR = Nci Reiny Tumbol. Thanks for the 'prophecy' that I'll be staying there in NY,soon.. haha Thanks for being strict, for waking us up, and for wonderfully plan our schedule which should actually be done by HOD.. (no offense, dave ;P) to Michelle's fabulous auntie: Nani Mike Thanks for being a stunning hair stylist of ours and for your camera.. :) For Wanda one of my partner in "the three of us against the world"also my sleeping friends, thanks for the anti-irritation cream, the vaseline, and for being a living GPS.. :P my thank goes to your I-pad as well.. For Eynstein, thanks for your ice-breaking jokes.. Our delegates need someone like you,indeed.. thanks for paying our ticket to DC,man.. For Dave as our HOD. Thanks for having done your best as HOD. and for Hezki thanks for the very effort you made for our team. Not forget to mention, Pamela & Bryan. Tho u couldn't join us in US, we owe you BIG THANK for being with us struggling for the chance to participate in US. Our labor is not in vain. I believe God will reward you guys. :)

For those I couldn't mention one by one.. I DO SAY THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being God's instrument in helping us by prayer and actions that this dream to be in HNMUN 2012 could come true. God bless you as He bless the people who bless Abraham (Gen. 12).. ;)

ask me. ask me.

I do enjoy spending my time answering these questions..
The bold ones are my answers.
You could have yours.. ;)

Disney/Pixar       hard question.
Skippy / Nutella    Definitely Nutella.
Dunkin Donut/J.Co/Krispy Kreme not to consume in big number tho
Man with glasses / Man with braces      
Fashionable man / less fashionable man  too fashionable man sorta ache my sight
Pizza / spaghetti   OMG. I love both! +.+
Summer / Winter / Spring / Fall
New York / Boston / Washington DC
Canada/ Australia
Ipad / MacBook
Milk / tea /coffee
Pork / lamb / chicken/ beef
Japanese / Korean language
Politician / entrepreneur
Tattoo / Body pierce  don’t like both
Soccer / Basketball
Musician / Athlete
Short hair / Long hair  so far, I feel comfier with short hair
Kimchi / Sushi
Ice cream / Salad
Sat nite at home / Sat nite at mall
Meeting important people / visiting orphanage
Work inside office / travel worker
Comic/ Magazine
CNN / Starworld ;P
Math / Spanish
Instant Noodle / Cereal
Pink / Red
Stripes / Polkadot
Flower print / square
New Year’s eve with family / Party with friends
Sunrise / Sunset
Mountain / beach
Chocolate / cheese
Kiwi / Strawberry
Orange / Banana
Jazz / Rock
Classic /R&B   somehow, I keen on tuning to classic
MUN / Debate                                                                                 
Barnes & Nobles / Macy’s   I like book store more than shopping centre J
Criticized / Praised
Hat / Sunglasses
Valentine’s gift: Flower / doll / chocolate  never been given flower till now, that’s why I like this thing
Red rose / white rose / pink rose
Flat shoes / High heels
Museum / Zoo

Enjoy answering yours.. :)


But even if real men are hard to find, they do exist, and they are worth waiting for. So don’t get discouraged on your journey toward inward excellence. To real men, your purity is beautiful, and it will be highly esteemed someday.
When God Writes Your Love Story