

Imagine a day where 1 billion people choose to do something for someone else. To make their mark on someone else’s world. To say I WAS HERE. Here I am..so glad to take part of World Humanitarian Day (August 19, 2012) - making a mark so that the world can see that I do care; that I do want to make a difference; that I do want to change the world and bring a message of HOPE. ;)  My small simple action is that I helped kids at Bukit Harapan Orphanage cleaning the yard and giving them milk and snacks that they may not always have on a daily basis. What's more satisfying than to see others happy with what we've done for them? Indeed, no action is too small. What's your story? :D


Where my heart is at..

Claya with the children at Bukit Harapan Orphanage

Yep. This is where my heart is at. 
The kids and teens at Bukit Harapan Orphanage.
My prayer is that God will continue to water what is within my heart to achieve.

Be blessed and let’s continue to make His name and goodness felt across the earth! 

Mission isn't accomplished yet.
Someone gotta ensure that they are anchored to positive values of life.
Yes, they need YOU! :)

[interest to help these kids, feel free to contact me via email]


Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou

One afternoon in Times bookstore, I was stupefied for few minutes while filling the form for a membership card. You know why I was like that? It's because I don't know to answer my occupation whether it's student or employer. Sigh. -.- It's been almost 3 months after my graduation.. and as you may guessed, I'm not signed in in any company, school or institution you could mention. Yep, I'm temporarily unemployed but I'm not jobless
This is why I said I'm not jobless, it's by reason of "I work every day." The first month after my hats-off-day I'm free from the questions from people nearby askin "What are you doin now?" or "Where are you working at?". It's because I was with some friends working as Interpreter for Pacific Partnership 2012 featuring US Navy. Indeed, it was an super INCREDIBLE experience. I would have say that was a vacation instead of working.  We travelled to Talaud, the island close to Phillipine. We met incredible people from USNS Mercy Ship and the amazing local people. We had fun in few AWESOME beaches there.. It's just WOW..
The second month after my graduation was a lightly different story. I was busy doing this and that. I took part as a committee in an international seminar held by my university. I joined Indonesia Youth Pioneer Competition held by Manado Department of Sport and Youth (and I won xD ). I participated in Future Leader Summit in Semarang (and not to mention - travelling around the city of Semarang as well as my 'bolang' moment in Jakarta and Tangerang by myself :D ). I took a driving course (Finally,huh? ><). I had a day vacation in Bunaken and snorkeling for the first time. Yeah, last July was golden month! I had a lot of precious experiences and even life lessons :)
Here it comes to August.. it's another exciting month, actually.. It's just I encounter more people asking classic questions above "What in the world are you doing now, cum laude student?" " What company are you working at?" and oh.. tbh it quite sucks to answer. That 'cum laude' stuff is becoming a burden, now..
Well, encountering those questions I used to answer I'm preparing for an AusAID scholarship, yet for now, as that desire sorta dies down (due to the delay of my transcript printing that holds up my way to apply before the deadline) I start to change my answer. I start to 'publish' my voluntary project at the orphanage. Some of my friends know it. Some doesn't. I was voluntarily teaching these kids since the last days I'm claiming myself as a high school student.. which is around 5 years ago (wow.. time does fly) tho there are times I pulled myself up from activities at this orphanage, but I kept these children in mind. Always.
This month as I intensify my visit, I sense greater joy inside. I'm glad to partake in this ministry (so I call it). I never been this enthusiastic before. I look forward impatiently for the next meeting. Tho physically, i feel worn-out because my teaching schedule is from 7pm - 9pm and sometimes from 5pm - 10pm, but it paid off knowing that I was not wasting or simply spending my time but i'm investing it. I reminded by some of my students who finally get scholarship to study in Uni and I pray that there'll be more of them. It's my job to sow the seed and let God makes it grows..
Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou a philosophy from Dr. Sam Ratulangi would be a wonderful reflection for me while workin on this.. a man live to make others live.. as Bible also said.. When you filling other people's cup, God will not let your cup left empty.. and you know, when God fills someone’s cup, He'll fill it abundantly cause He’s the Provider. He’s Almighty God. He’s My Shepherd, and I shall not be in want (Psalm 23:1). I like reflecting in this truth to keep myself motivated in doing this heavenly task. One day, I’ll reap what I sow.
As for now, I avoid those classic questions no more. I’m proud of what I’m doing. I may not gain money like if I work in certain company but if it’s the time to help these people, I better do what God wants me to do. I want to get my Master Degree somewhere abroad. I want to work with professional company. I simply believe there’ll be time for everything.  

Proverbs 19:17 (MSG)
Mercy to the needy is a loan to God, and God pays back those loans in full.
James 1:27 (NIV)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Jeremiah 22:3,16 (NIV)
This is what the LORD says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place. 16 He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the LORD.