
Cloud Nine December


Here I go again..

I've been postponing to write on this blog well let's say due to my hectic schedule (this past holiday season has possibly been the busiest I have encountered :) ) and because I badly want to see how I reach the end of this month before I write like everything on this blog..

At first I'm thinking of writing December Bliss but after some occurrence, I believe that this month has been more than a bliss (serene joy), but it's for me like a cloud nine (a state of elation or great happiness / a state of extreme happiness). What makes me in extreme happiness??

CMUN 2-4 December 2011
Here's the story.. I started this month being in Makassar for 5 days with 4 friends. Even there, God still shows me that He's with me and never leave me alone (Hebrew 13:5).. What's going on in Makassar actually? well, I'm joining a competition namely CMUN (Celebes Model United Nations) and you know I had a PCS (pre-competition syndrome) a syndrome when your heart beat faster a.k.a tachycardia, sometimes nervous, sometimes dizzy, sometimes you feel blackout. I'm not in severe phase,btw. but I had that syndrome as well as my friends and maybe u too :) In this very time God strengthen me with His word until I (along w/ my partner Dave) end up gaining the Honorable Mention Awards at our first MUN experience. Soli Deo Gloria!!! Our coming to Mks not only brought us a MUN experience, knowledge, certificates and awards. It's also brought us friendship with Unhas delegates for HNMUN. I thank God that I know them all. They were very nice and friendly.

Besides, If I have to write like all God's goodness to me this month it will take 3 to 5 pages and I will get u just tired on scrolling. So let me make it short yet compact.
God has sent angels to cheer me up those days. He sent kak Ella to give me 11 coolest outfits a woman would desire this season. He helped me out during the oral test in Subject & Characters in Drama  when somehow Mrs. Ulaen acted very generous and nodding like she agreed with all the thing I'm saying.. Phew! He also helped me coaching debater from SMA St.Nikolaus Lokon (such an experience :D). I even got a job to be the MC of Prof.Lalamentik 'after service' (purnabakti) party. and it all went just well.. Umm.. I also thank God for the Youth GKMI Christmas Celebration.. as the secretary of the committee, I have to testify how great God has been for us. And the best part of it is when we come to visit and feed people with mental disorder at RSJ Ratumbuysang. I have no fear at all unlike some of my kakak2 rohani (no offense,sis :P). The facts are I even give my hands to them, take a picture with them and have an extremely hilarious conversation. I couldn’t imagine how I could be so brave with those people, who some are rated as ‘dangerous’ and were jailed. #God’sannointing

Here comes the reason why I'm postponing to write on this blog.. #visainterview (the very part I’m exciting to write about)

I feel like it's incomplete to write this post without knowing what will be the outcome of my visa interview on 27/12. Well, we just had a bad news on 19-20 dec that our friends @davemailoor @yeshq and @ndawanda's visa just been rejected and it's just shocking. They said the only problem is that they're not convinced with our funding whether we already have the money with us or not. It drives the rest of us worrying and hesitating whether we have to appear in the interview or not because we already by the ticket to Surabaya.. Unfortunately, when we intended to cancel our appointment with ConGen. We’re unable to do it at that very time (3 days before interview). That's why we hastily ask Pemkab Talaud to make us a letter of sponsorship thru Ein's help. We also tried to reach Rector to help us make a letter of sponsorship regarding the fund but he's not willing to (lesson: Do not lean on man! - Jeremiah 17:5) We then make a letter from our parents stating that they will be responsible with the whole trip and willing to pay for it with the attachment of their bank account. And with all that we've got; the complete documents and the plus plus things above, the four of us (Pam, Michelle, Eyn, and me) prayerfully fly to Surabaya.

The thing that I don't know is up until the day we fly to Sby, apparently Michelle and Pam still in the state of uncertainty and hesitation whether they will go for the interview or not as a result of their acquaintance's experience, advice and also the doubt within themselves. Nevertheless, they bring all the docs with them. Conversely, I think I’m the one who has faith on this interview cause God gave the impression in my heart and strengthen me with His words day in day out in my worship time to just go..“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you. Joshua 1:9”

Voila.. (26/12) We’re in Surabaya already. New problems come. Eynstein and Pamela didn’t bring their parents’ bank account, Eyn hasn’t even printed his DS-160 confirmation page, and he and Michelle didn’t bring their photograph along with them. Crap!! If you ask me whether I’m mad or disappoint with them, my answer is NO! I just know that there will be a heavenly way out J. Here’s the chronology, Michelle somehow could reach tante Suzanna (her aunt who lived with her in Brisbane) who treat us extraordinary lunch in her resto *Delisia Resto* and I think I have to mention that I just ate the most delicious Spaghetti Carbonara I’ve ever tasted (з´`ε), provides us a wi-fi and printer to print Eyn’s remaining docs, lends us car for going to photo studio plus polo shirt for Michelle and taking us to Tunjungan Plaza thereafter. God is amazing, huh?!

It’s D+1 after Christmas but our minds were occupied with this visa thing so much.. After we synchronizing our answers while siphoning coffee and enjoying delly espresso brownies at Starbucks, we pray to God for the best to happen in the next day. I even share w/ Michelle the devotional book my Dad suddenly gave me and have been my reason to trust God this time. We read together John 15:16 and pray again. (Lesson: If you pray, means that you give the problem to God, so DO NOT worry anymore! Worry means you didn’t believe God could answer your prayer)

Shortly, (27/12) the judgment day come upon us.. we wake up early for the interview.. haven’t even get our brekkie but our hearts are at peace. We come with total submission to God knowing we cannot do anything without Him. As the result, our visa were approved (except Eyn’s). That day was magical!! That was the best Christmas gift I’ve ever had. Thank Christ Jesus for everything :’)

Have a dazzling holiday! :D

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